The Dutch agenda-setting project has developed several datasets on political institutions’ activism and issue attention in the Netherlands.
- Adopted laws (1990-2007)
- Annual executive speeches (Dutch Queen’s Speech) (1945-2008)
- Coalition agreements (1963-2007)
- Parliamentary Questions (“vragenuurtje”) (1995-2006)
Additional datasets have been constructed for environmental policies in particular:
- Scientific reports of two Dutch Environmental assessment agencies (1995-2006)
- Newspaper articles about environmental issues (NRC-Handelsblad) (1990-2007)
These last two datasets were use to prepare a report about attention to environmental issues in the Netherlands, downloadable via (rapport 77, in Dutch):
New projects are investigating morality policies (in cooperation with Denmark, Spain, and Switzerland), safety policies, and are collecting data on media attention and budgets.
This research is coordinated by Gerard Breeman, Wageningen University ([email protected]) and Arco Timmermans, Leiden University ([email protected] )