Paper room

Programme 8th Annual CAP Conference

Lisbon 22-24 June 2015


Day 1 - 22/06 - Monday

Morning  (ISCTE)

10:00 – 12:00 Workshop “Text as Data”(John Wilkerson)

Auditório B203

Building II

Afternoon (ISCTE)

14:00 – 14:30 Arrival of Participants

Building II

Main entrance


14:30 – 16:00 3 panels



Panel 1: Party 1

Room: Auditório C103 (Building II)

Chair: Weissert, Carol
Discussant: Benoit, Kenneth
What’s on the Agenda? Reshaping West European Party Politics Green-Pedersen, Christoffer
Do parties matter for policymaking? Capacity, incentives and partisan agenda-setting in France Brouard, Sylvain ; Caterina Froio; Grossman, Emiliano; Isabelle Guinaudeau; Persico, Simon
Party Issue Emphasis and Issue Ownership: How Incumbency Matters Seeberg, Henrik


Panel 2: Policy 1

Room: B201 (Building II)

Chair: Breeman, Gerard
Discussant: Chaques, Laura
Protesting for Asylum. The role of signal, context and receiver in setting the parliamentary agenda Wouters, Ruud; Sevenans, Julie; Vliegenthart, Rens; Walgrave, Stefaan
Engagement or avoidance? The effect of coalition politics on the politicization of morality policies Euchner, Eva-Maria
Information processing and policy change in the EU’s fisheries conservation policy Princen, Sebastiaan; Siderius, Katrijn; Villasante, Sebastián


Panel 3: Agenda & Institutions 1

Room: Auditório C104 (Building II)

Chair: Derek, A. Epp
Discussant: Mortensen, Peter
Institutional interaction in the agenda-setting process in the EU: The case of the European Council and the European Commission Elias, Leticia; Timmermans, Arco
From Applications to Appeals: The Law and Politics of Agenda Setting on the New Zealand Supreme Court Rhonda, Evans; Eissler, Rebecca,
Policy agendas and bureaucratic structures in Germany:  A longitudinal analysis in stability and change Fleischer, Julia


16:00 – 16:45 Coffee Break & Poster Session

Next to the panel rooms


Poster session

Building II

Next to the panel rooms

Islands of power - How Policy Monopolies Shape Citizen Participation Kis György Márk
What we care about – Individual-level determinants of MIPs Beyer, Daniela; Breunig Christian
Using CAP Data to Identify Perverse Goals of Term-Limited Legislators Fahey, Kevin; Weissert, Carol
Mediatizing EU issues? The tone of media coverage and the visibility of EU and domestic actors in the Spanish news (2000-2012) Palau, Anna M.; Ansemil, Miguel
The Logic behind Institutionalised Expertise Provision in the EU Alexandrova, Petya; Hönnige, Christoph; Panke, Diana
From Simulation to Data: A Comparative Analysis of Cue-taking Behavior Among Policy Elites Thomas, Herschel
Thematic classification of roll call votes of the Lithuanian parliament: challenges and opportunities for automatic procedures Mickevicius, Vytautas; Morkevicius, Vaidas
Policy innovations shaping political decisions: The Case of the Overhead Reduction Initiative in Hungary Balazs, Bocskei
Parliamentary questions to the Portuguese Prime-Minister: attention to EU issues – before and during the bailout Rodrigues, Ricardo
The opposition parties’ behaviour in Portugal between internal constraints and external challenges De Giorgi, Elisabetta; Russo, Federico
News Media and Politics: The Influence of Media Attention on Parliamentary Questions Yildirim, T. Murat; Overby, Marvin


16:45 – 19:00 Joint Plenary Session

Auditório B203

Building II

Project Presentation:
  • Local government agenda setting project (Mortensen, Peter B.)
  • Russian Agendas Project (Litvyak, Olga; Shadurskiy, Andrey)
  • Chilean Agendas Project (Lopez-Varas, Miguel A.; Miranda, Nicolas; Valenzuela, Pablo)
  • Brazilian Agendas Project (Brasil, Felipe; Niedhardt Capella, Ana Cláudia)
CAP Website Presentation (Bryan Jones, Michelle Whyman)
Opening lecture: Kenneth Benoit



Day 2 – 23/06 - Tuesday

Morning (ISCTE)

9:00 – 10:30 3 panels



Panel 1: Budget

Room: Auditório C103 (Building II)

Chair: Elias, Leticia
Discussant: Bevan, Shaun
Budgetary Change and Punctuated Equilibrium – A Typology Breunig Christian; Koski, Chris
Budgeting in Authoritarian and Democratic Regimes Derek A. Epp; Baumgartner, Frank R.; Bishtawi, Petra; Carammia, Marcello; Noble, Ben; Rey, Beatriz; Yildirim, T. Murat
Fixing the Figures Amending Budget Bills in Authoritarian Legislatures Noble, Ben


Panel 2: Legislative & Executive Agendas 1Room: Auditório C104 (Building II) Chair: Palau, Ana
Discussant: Timmermans, Arco
The .GOV Internet Archive: A Big Data Resource for Political Science Wilkerson John; Gade, Emily
Cross-national and longitudinal Analysis of the regulatory output of Israel and England Levi-Faur, David; Haber, Hanan; Kosti, Nir
Policy Priority Setting in Coalition Governance Breeman, Gerard; Timmermans, Arco


Panel 3: Public Opinion & Responsiveness

Room: B201 (Building II)

Chair: Varone, Frédéric
Discussant: Boydstun, Amber
All about Issues: Electoral Systems, Interparty Dynamics, and Public Opinion Shifts So, Florence
Public Opinion, Media Agenda Setting and Individual Legislative Responsiveness in Florida Weissert, Carol; Driscoll, Amanda; Fahey, Kevin; Merle, Patrick; Stanquist, Teresa; Pietryka, Matthew
The Attentional Integration of Political Systems Walgrave, Stefaan; Baumgartner, Frank R.; Vliegenthart, Rens


10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break


10:45 – 12:15 3 panels



Panel 1: Policy 2

Room: Auditório C103 (Building II)

Chair: Princen, Sebastiaan
Discussant: Moury, Catherine
Punctuated Equilibrium and the Criminal Justice Policy Agenda in Britain Jennings, Will; Farrall, Stephen; Gray, Emily; Hay, Colin
What draws politicians’ attention? An experimental study of issue framing and its effect on individual political elites.. Walgrave, Stefaan; Sevenans, Julie; Van Camp, Kirsten; 
Agenda and Inequality Derek A. Epp


Panel 2: Legislative & Executive Agendas

2Room: Auditório C104 (Building II)

Chair: Sciarini, Pascal
Discussant: Green-Pedersen, Christoffer
Broken Promises: Analyzing the Impact of Economic Crisis on Mandate Responsiveness Chaqués Bonafont, Laura; Baumgartner, Frank R.; Palau, Anna M.
Policy Gaps. Exploring the Mismatch between Electoral Priorities and Policy Outputs Carammia, Marcello; Federico, Russo; Borghetto, Enrico
When and where does gridlock happen? Breunig Christian; Tinette, Schnatterer


Panel 3: Policy 3

Room: B201 (Building II)

Chair: Gava, Roy
Discussant: Grossman, Emiliano
Politicization without party discipline: Clustering around social identities Preidel, Caroline; Euchner, Eva-Maria
Identifying gradual transformative changes using Policy Agendas data Shpaizman, Ilana
Policy Diffusion: A Problem-Solving Approach Casas Andreu


12:15 – 14:15 Free Lunch & Transfer to FCSH



Afternoon (FCSH)

14:15 – 16:15 3 panels



Panel 1: Agenda & institutions 2

Room: T9 3rd Floor Tower B

Chair: Jennings, Will
Discussant: Breunig, Christian
The Priorities of a President: Understanding the Presidential Agenda via Budget Messages Eissler, Rebecca
The Policy Agenda of the European Commission Alexandrova, Petya
Intergovernmental Attention and Government Priorities in Canada Gauvin, Jean-Philippe; Montpetit, Éric; Foucault, Martial
Presidential Leadership of the Public Agenda: An Individual-Level Analysis Cavari, Amnon


Panel 2: Interest groups

Room: T10 3rd Floor Tower B

Chair: Tinette, Schnatterer
Discussant: Baumgartner, Frank
Interest groups in Parliament: First results from the Swiss case (2000-2011) Gava, Roy; Christe, Julien ; Ciao-Bianco, Corinne ; Eichenberger, Steven ; Mach, André; Varone, Frédéric
Interest Groups and Agendas in the US Bevan, Shaun; Rasmussen, Anne
The Agenda Setting Power of Organized Interest Berkhout, Joost; Caelesta, Braun; Timmermans, Arco
On Your Enemy’s Turf: Producer Group Agenda Setting and the Regulatory Politics of Addictive Activities Jensen, Carsten; Seeberg, Henrik; Timmermans, Arco


Panel 3: Party 2Room: T11 3rd Floor Tower B Chair: So, FlorenceDiscussant: Vliegenthart, Rens
Is the news all negative? Trends in the political tone of the news Thesen, Gunnar; Green-Pedersen, Christoffer; Mortensen, Peter B.
Party behavior in the Spanish parliament: opposition strategies and patterns of consensus Palau, Anna M.; Márquez, Luz M.; Chaqués Bonafont, Laura
Radicalising the mainstream? The rise of Golden Dawn and its impact on Greek party politics Halikiopoulou, Daphne; Nanou, Kyriaki; Vasilopoulou, Sofia
Policy issues and party system(s) in Belgium Dandoy, Régis; Joly, Jeroen


16:15 – 16:30 Coffee Break

Next to the panel rooms


16:30 – 18:00 Presentation of CAP website for PIs

Auditório 2

3rd Floor

Tower B (TB).


20:00 Joint dinner



Day 3 - 24/06 - Wednesday

Morning (FCSH)

10:00 – 11:30 3 panels



Panel 1: Media

Room: T9 3rd Floor Tower B (TB)

Chair: Eissler, Rebecca
Discussant: Walgrave, Stefaan
Individual Agendas: Communicating Domestic Violence Information in 140 Characters Russell, Annelise
Driven by politics: agenda setting and policy making in Hungary 2010-2014 Boda, Zsolt; Patkós, Veronika
Isolating the Effects of Economic Performance and Economic Media Coverage on Economic Attitudes Boydstun, Amber; Highton, Benjamin; Linn, Suzanna
Any news is good news… unless you’re too big! Media attention and party popularity in France Grossman, Emiliano; Thesen, Gunnar


Panel 2: PET

Room: T10 3rd Floor Tower B (TB)

Chair: Carammia, Marcello
Discussant: Jones, Bryan
Transformative Policy Change: A study of dynamic multivariate relationships Mortensen, Peter B.; Loftis, Matthew
Patterns of Punctuations – Comparing Europeanized and Sovereign Policy-Making in Germany Beyer, Daniela
Incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium in Hungarian budgeting (1991-2013) Sebok, Miklos; Tamás, Berki


Panel 3: Legislative & Executive Agendas 3

Room: T11 3rd Floor Tower B (TB)

Chair: Alexandrova, Petya
Discussant: Wilkerson, John
Who Europeanizes parliamentary attention, on which issues and how? A policy agenda perspective Sciarini, Pascal; Gava, Roy; Varone, Frédéric
Parliamentary questions as the continuation of issue competition by other means Belchior, Ana; Borghetto, Enrico
Discourse Polarization in the US Congress Brattig Correia, Rion; Chan, Kwan N.; Rocha, Luis M.


11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break



11:45 – 13:00 Closing Plenary Session

Auditório 1 

1st Floor

Tower B (TB)

  • “Celebrating ten years of ‘The Politics of Attention’” Roundtable
  • CAP: past, present and future (Walgrave, Stefaan, Boydstun, Amber)
  • Evaluation of meeting & Planning next meeting


17:00 – 18:30 Lisbon-Mouraria Tour (limited number of participants allowed)



Supporting institutions:
